It’s The Holiday Rush Time!

Get on the Early List for January Now! 


Cute dogs cutified - get yours today! 

Cute dogs cutified - get yours today! 

 if you have not ordered your custome pet portrait from me yet, it might need to wait for January - my calender has filled up in a snap this Fall, and there is now a in place, so I can catch up with all the cute “pounds of hounds” that are waiting to be cutified.

Nonetheless: the sooner you add your name to the list, the sooner you can have you favorite pet smiling on your walls. 

drop me a line if you have questions, or, head straight to the website to plave your order now:

Meet "Sarge" - Who Is Not As Tiny As He Looks

Adding Cuteness To Pet Portrait Paintings

“Sarge” is a custom pet painting I created for a family member last Christmas. They had just added this little wrinkly, pudgy bulldog to their clan, so this has become a reminder that what is now a BIG wrinkly bulldog, used to be tiny.

To ensure that this is a very personal piece for their collection, I added details to the painting, like the paw print of their son’s high school team; a bottle of their family Old Fashioned Mix (which, btw. you should try - yummy stuff!); and the little puppy hanging in there.

So as you can see, any personal additions can be made to your pet portrait as well - it makes it a one-of-a-kind original relevant to your own life story.

“Sarge” - and ode to Old Fashioned Mix, High School Teams, and Pudgy Puppies Everywhere!

“Sarge” - and ode to Old Fashioned Mix, High School Teams, and Pudgy Puppies Everywhere!

"Fiddler On The Woofs" - A Mash-Up of Sheep Incognito and Pets

A Newe Friendship Is Born!

“Fiddler On The Woofs” Custom Digital Pet Painting

“Fiddler On The Woofs” Custom Digital Pet Painting

Using ProCreate app on iPad Pro, and Apple Pencil, I’ve paired these two cuties with one of my Sheep Incognito flockies, for a cute, custom digital pet portrait of “Jerry and Jackson”, who belong to my friend Margaret.

Need a sheep dancing on your dog’s head? No problem - just head to my shop and order one of my cute pet portraits in one of the various sizes, and I can get started on it!
To ensure that I capture you dog’s personality correctly, you will also need to supply me with a little bit about him/her…and, of course, pictures. Lots of them. Good ones, close-ups, sitting, laying, standing, sleeping, bouncing - whatever you have in terms of photos of your dog, those will help me paint it as close to real life as possible. Once you have placed your order, I will send you a link to Dropbox, where you can upload images for me to use.